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Children’s Books

Following a request from my eldest grandson, Lex, I ventured into the realm of stories for children.

My first offering, ‘Figaro the Cat Detective and the Great Dog Poo Mystery’ chronicles the fictional adventures of a long-haired tabby/tortoiseshell who ‘adopted’ my grandson’s family when they moved to a new house.

He has a partner in Harrison the toad and the two of them set out to discover who has been hanging little bags of dog poo on bushes in the village - and make sure it stops!

It has had quite a bit of success as a free download with more than 150 copies going to the US and over 50 to Japan as well as dozens in the UK and several other countries around the world.

The talented Abi Griffin illustrated the first three books for me.

For the fourth, and latest, I was assisted by the pupils of Lea Endowed CE Primary School in Preston who came up with some splendid pictures. ‘Figaro The Cat Detective and the Great Cheese Robbery’ is available in two editions, full colour at £7.49 and B&W at £3.49.

They are all also available for E-Readers at around £2.